Passing med school finals 23 June 2005

Created by Caroline 7 years ago
I will never forget this date! Terrified! I walked into the Med school and saw Carl already there, drinking a plastic cup of some cheap fizz that had been put out 😉 Walking to the results board, I was somewhat surprised to see "McGuffie" on the list of people who had just become doctors, as I was sure I'd messed up on a killer station on the OSCE! However it was no surprise at all to see the name "McQueen" next to mine with a star next to it, meaning Carl had graduated with honours - he must have scored 95% + in both exams to have achieved that, one of only a few people who ever did. The new Doctors then decamped to the pub. Carl and I, having been next to each other in the alphabet for the whole of Med school, demanded to be in the same group of 4 for the final year, and I doubt I'd have made it through those final exams, and be the doctor I am today, without his love, help and support. 23 June 2005 was the day we got our results - a date I will never forget. 11 years next week.